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Share information

BW Energy was listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange on 19 February 2020. The net proceeds from the IPO will strengthen the Company’s financial position and fund the development of the Maromba field as well as future growth opportunities.

Click here for share information for BW Energy


Board shareholders

Management shareholdings

Analyst coverage

The following table provides the names and contact details of analysts preparing coverage of BW Energy, and is limited to those analysts who have shared their contact information with us. This may not be an exhaustive list of all analysts preparing coverage of the stock. BW Energy does not carry analyst reports on its website.



Company Analyst Email Phone
Pareto Securities Tom Erik Kristiansen +47 2413 2186
DNB Markets Steffen Evjen / Christian Klingenberg Theodorsen / 

+47 4818 7904

Arctic Securities Daniel Stenslet +47 2293 7212
Nordea Jørgen Bruaset jø +47 2401 5080
Danske Bank Christian Yggeseth +47 8540 5784
ABG Sundal Collier Oliver Dunvold / John Olaisen / +47 2201 6136 /
+47 2201 6187
SpareBank 1 Markets Teodor Sveen-Nilsen +47 2413 3606
SEB Petter Diskerud Billing / Anders Rosenlund /

+ 47 9926 8096 /
+47 2100 8502 

Fearnleys Sander Solheim Nilsen / Erik Christian Borthen / +4722936383


Investor relations policy

This investor relations policy (the “IR Policy”) for BW Energy Limited (the “Company”) is based on the Oslo Stock Exchange’s rules, regulations and recommendations for listed companies, in particular the Oslo Stock Exchange Code of Practice for IR, as of 1 March 2021 (the “Code of Practice for IR”).